Most crazy and unique startups in India

Here what makes the sense most crazy and unique startups?? Anyone have any idea ..No!! Here the most crazy and unique startups means the startups that fulfil needs that you didn’t even realize you had. These startups are quirky, zany, and are solving some very unusual problems. We trawled the length and the breadth of 

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Seed funds and Angel investors in India

Seed Funding: A startup may require several rounds of financing before it can generate sufficient cash flow from sales to finance operations. The amounts and sources for each round vary by company and industry. The earliest funding rounds are seed and early-stage funding. So Seed capital is the funding required to get a new business started. 

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Top 11 Home Appliance Repair Startups in India

All of us have encountered those moments of helplessness when a phone hangs mid conversation or the laptop decides it has had enough- on the day of your big presentation! Or probably the TV begins to flicker amidst a crucial final match! But Finding a good technician  to repair your electronic devices after their warranty period is 

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How to write a blog post

You’ve probably heard how paramount blogging is to the success of your marketing. Without it, your SEO will tank, you’ll have nothing to promote in social media, you’ll have no clout with your leads and customers, and you’ll have fewer pages to put those oh-so-valuable calls-to-action that generate inbound leads. Need I say more? So why, 

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