5 ‘must-haves’ for your first business card
In today’s fast paced world where tools like linkedin exists, business cards still manage to keep their place intact. This is because nothing has yet matched the power and simplicity of handing over a well-designed card. Well it basically starts a conversation.
For any founder to get his first card printed is some kind of a magical moment. This is perhaps the first tangible piece of material created by founders to mark their entry into the world of startups.
Business Cards have unique potentials for personal connection that can generate leads. Here’s how to optimize the space on that tiny paper canvas.
1. Form
It is really very important to decide that what form your business card would have. While non-standard sizes may help you momentarily stand out, this is short-lived.It is not necessarily worth the effort or price one pays for non-standard sizes and shapes. The standard size for a business card is 3.5 by 2 inches, but that does not restrict you from creating different shaped cards. After all you are the boss and have all the freedom to be innovative.
Differently shaped business cards
2. Feel
The feel and the make of the business card plays a really important role. A good business card should feel like a good handshake – flexible but firm. Avoid thinner papers, but do not go overboard on thickness. Paper thickness is rated in “gsm”, and 300gsm media of any make is ideal for a business card. While thicker cards convey stability (explains why these are favored by wealth managers), these are impractical to handle and stock.
3. Flow
A well-designed business card focuses on the way it presents the information to the recipient. To create one, decide the sequence in which you want the user to receive your information (for example, FreeGo >> Co-founder >> Ajay). If you want the brand to be highlighted first, make it the primary optical area, and provide 10 per cent of the business card, ideally on the left top with enough white space around the logo.
If you do not have a logo, ensure the brand name font is about 2.5 times the next largest font. The eye roves from top left to bottom right and we appreciate visual information in clumps. You can help the user navigate to the next highlighted group – the name and designation, which should be in the top right quadrant or the next largest font size.
4. Function
The basic function of a business card is to provide the recipient will all the necessary details of contact. Make sure to provide all such information like company name, your name, designation, email and telephone. You might also provide the office address or any other details. All the information must be provided in a way that it gets easily absorbed. Create maximum output by utilizing minimum space.
5. Fonts
It is very crucial for a business card to be readable. For this, keep the number of fonts and font variation used to a bare minimum. Two is the limit for font typefaces (for example, Arial and Helvetica are typefaces). Also, do not use cursive and flowing fonts types on a business cards unless you have very little information and can afford space for large font sizes. Good fonts to use include Impact, Tahoma, Helvetica, Garamond, Arial, and Myriad Pro.